You Are Actually That Bishhh
17:09A few months ago when I was talking to my friend, I was explaining to her how I hadn't been feeling myself; how I've been feeling like shit and, as a result of those feelings I found myself comparing myself to influencers thinking they are pretty and I'm not etc etc. Then I started deeping how powerful the mind is.
CONFIDENCE / HAVING LOW SELF ESTEEM is one the hardest things to deal with. LOL as I write this I can hear someone saying Elizabeth? you low self-esteem?! * inserts confused face gif* because, I'm literally the one person you will always find gassing themself up. I used to be that person that when you tell me ' Aww you're pretty' I would respond thank you with an awkward smile whilst saying LOOOL you so blind in my head, and that could be coming from a friend, a guy I like, or even a family member. Tell me that now I would probs respond with thank you and say I know in my head after or vice versa depending on who you are.
Learning your worth and understanding who you are without needing another human being to make you feel good about yourself is one thing that is so important to learn. As humans, we are accustomed to people giving us positive words of affirmation it helps to feed our egos whether you believe that or not argue with my toe. Now I'm not saying that people shouldn't give you positive words but what I am saying is that you need to learn your own worth without someone telling 'OOO you're so pretty' like that shouldn't have to define who you are as a person.
Self - esteem/ confidence are things controlled by the mind, and with the generation that we are in, it doesn't help that everything we do is centered around social media. I even find myself comparing myself to influencers that are labeled the most prettiest girls by social media or have the nicest body shape and some of those that I compare myself to are not even real, let's be honest. As a society, we have been conditioned to compare ourselves to unrealistic beauty standards.
''You are actually that bishhh!'' This is a phrase that I acc love to use when I'm getting ready to go out and I go to the mirror to check my fit I'm like '' Dami you're acc that bishh , you're cute you know'' then I tend to giggle at myself after lol. Doing things like that helps me to make myself feel better about myself even on my down days. Another phrase my friend got me saying is '' My ye is great'', this was inspired after I was venting to her about how I was feeling and she just said " Your ye is great you know" and I was like "YOU IS RIGHT"! The phrase was even Twitter name for a little bit.
What do you do when you don't feel like your that bishh or when you actually feel like shit. When someone tells you that you are pretty or that you are good looking and you do that awkward smile saying ' thank you' whilst you're thinking in your head 'LOOOL are you good I don't think me and you are seeing the same thing.' Maybe not all of you have experienced this but if you have I gets you.
Things you can do to remind yourself that YOU ARE THAT BISHHH! :
1) After you finish reading this post I encourage you to look at yourself in the mirror or use the front camera on your phone and just stare at yourself (I used to do this so much) and start to talk about the positive things. Start saying positive things to yourself!
2)If social media is what makes you view yourself negatively I recommend deleting those apps. Take time to look at yourself through your own lens and, not the one that society has conditioned us to look through. The one that makes us compare ourselves to others or has us thinking we are not good enough.
3) Take care of yourself. That fitness plan you've been too lazy to start go and do it! Go for walks pamper yourself. Start putting you first, make time for YOU.
4) Surround yourself with positive people. I know that sometimes we don't want to feel like we are burdens to our friends but, it is always nice to know that when you are on your low days there is someone you can turn to. What type of people have you chosen to surround yourself with and how has that affected the way you view yourself?
5) If you have a faith, turn to it! For me personally, this was one thing that really helped me, being a Christian and knowing that there is a God that cares and loves me has helped me at my lowest points. Once I began to connect more with my faith; I started to see myself the way that God sees me and not see myself the way others see me.
Genesis 1:26
Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness..."
Elizabeth xox